Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Upcoming Language Arts Tests and Quizzes

Hello students and parents,

As you know, this week and some of next week is dedicated to ITBS Testing.  Due to this testing, this week's vocabulary quizzes/tests will be postponed until next Friday (September 28th).  This will allow students two weeks to study and work on their current vocabulary units. 

Here is a schedule of upcoming tests and quizzes:

Sixth Grade: 
  • Vocabulary Test (Units 1, 2, 3) - Friday, September 28th

Seventh Grade: 
  • Reading Test (Unit 1) - Monday, September 23rd 
  • Vocabulary Quiz (Unit 4) - Friday, September 28th
  • Spelling Quiz (on vocabulary words) - Friday, September 28th
 Eighth Grade:
    •  Reading Test (Unit 1) - Monday, September 23rd
    • Vocabulary Quiz (Unit 4) - Friday, September 28t

    P.S. I am always here to help!  Please, make an appointment, if you feel you need some support before the tests/quizzes.

    Good luck!!! 

    Wednesday, September 11, 2013

    Vocabulary Tests for 7th and 8th Graders

    Hello Students and Parents,

    This post is just a reminder that 7th and 8th graders have a vocabulary test this Friday for Units 1, 2, and 3.  The students were notified of the test on Monday, and we have been working all week on reviewing the vocabulary words.  Please, review the words with your student.  The test will assess the students' knowledge of word definitions, synonyms, and antonyms.

    Thank you, and have a great week!

    Mrs Moussa

    Saturday, September 7, 2013

    Missing Class and Missing Assignments

    Hello students and parents,

    I hope you are all enjoying your weekend, and the St. Anne's Festival.  It has come to my attention that there have been many absences in the past couple of weeks of school.  It is understandable that illnesses and extenuating circumstances may hinder students from attending school, but I wanted to stress the importance of maintaining a regular attendance.  When students miss class they miss lessons, activities, and important classroom discussions.  

    Many of the students that have missed school have not made an active attempt to find out what lessons, activities, quizzes, and assignments they have missed.  

    It is imperative that students understand that it is their responsibility to find out what they missed when they were absent, borrow notes from a fellow student on the lessons, make up the missing assignment/activity, and to turn it in.  This is an important part of being a responsible student/learner; which, students and parents agreed to work towards when they signed the Achieving Excellence contract.

    Students who do not make up missing assignments/quizzes after their absences will have a point deducted for each day it is late.  A date must be set to make-up missed quizzes/tests the day the absent student returns to school.  I will no longer seek out students for make-up assignments or quizzes/tests.

    Thank you, and have a great weekend,

    Mrs. Moussa

    Thursday, September 5, 2013

    Vocabulary Quizzes Rescheduled

    Hello parents and students,

    As you know, this week was a short week due to the Labor Day holiday and the St. Anne's Festival.  In order, to allow the students ample time to prepare for the vocabulary quizzes for their respective grades, I have moved the quizzes date to Monday, September 9th, 2013.  The students were notified of this change yesterday, Wednesday, September 4th, 2013.  I have made several announcements in class of the change of date, so students should be aware.  Please, take the time to quiz your son/daughter on the vocabulary words that they will be quizzed on.  The students should know the definition of the word, and its synonyms and antonyms. 

    Have a great weekend,

    Mrs. Moussa