Thursday, November 20, 2014

Homework: Thursday 11/20/14

Extra Credit Due Next Wed. 11/26/14

Dear parents and students,

Here is an  Extra Credit assignment for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders.

The assignments are due on Wed. 11/26/14.

6th Grade: Al Capone Does My Shirts

Write a paragraph describing the details about the setting of the novel Al Capone Does My shirts.  Make sure to include details about Alcatraz, the character's lifestyle, living conditions, expressions, etc.  What details about the setting make the character's times and lifestyles seem real?  (Make sure to include them into your paragraph.)

*Make sure your paragraph has a title
*Make sure your paragraph is double-spaced and typed

7th Grade: Number the Stars

Write about an event that happened in your own life as though it were a flashback.  This event should be one that would help someone you know understand you better.

*Make sure your write 3-4 paragraphs
*Make sure you type your paragraphs and they are double-spaced

8th Grade: Treasure Island

Pretend that you are a newspaper reporter.  By chance, you have been staying at the Admiral Benbow Inn.  This is your chance to get a scoop on what has happened.  Write an article to appear in your newspaper.  Be sure to answer the questions who, what, when, where, why and how.

*Make sure you type your newspaper article.
*Your article should be at least 3 paragraphs long.

Please note, late extra credit assignments will not be accepted.

Thank you,
Mrs. Moussa

Welcome to the New Trimester!!

Dear parents and students,

We have begun the second trimester!  I encourage students and parents to think of this trimester as a fresh new beginning and an opportunity to excel and meet academic goals.

Keys to success in the new trimester:

1. Finish all homework and class assignments on time and turn them in

2. Seek help/tutoring in areas where you are struggling

3. Check weekly to monitor your academic progress

4. Make up any missed assignments/tests/quizzes after an absence

5. Keep your materials organized!!  Many students miss assignments due to misplacing their work.

6. Take notes during class, and ask questions when necessary

7. Use homework assignments to review for quizzes and tests

8. Study your vocabulary words DAILY!!  Make an effort to incorporate new vocabulary words into your writing.

Have a great trimester!!

Mrs. Moussa

Friday, November 14, 2014

Parent-Teacher Conferences-Please Schedule Your Appointments!

Dear 7th Grade Parents,

In order to receive your student's report card for the first trimester, you must schedule an appointment with me.  Appointments are scheduled through Ms. Francis in the main office.  If you have any questions about scheduling, please call the school at (310) 829-2775.

Thank you,Mrs. Moussa

Homework: Friday 11/14/14

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Homework: Wednesday 11/5/14

Attention Parents:

Paychecks for week 11 (last week) were sent home yesterday.  Please, make sure to review your student's weekly progress.

Mrs. Moussa

Monday, November 3, 2014

Homework: Monday 11/3/14

7th Grade Paychecks from Last Week

Dear students and parents,

I could not print out last week's paychecks due to technical difficulties with the printer.  The printer issue has been resolved and paychecks will be sent home tomorrow (Tuesday, November 4th, 2014)

Thank you, and sorry for any inconvenience,
Mrs. Moussa

Vocabulary Quizzes on Unit 7 for 6th, 7th and 8th grade

Dear students and parents,

This is a reminder that all three middle school grades will be having a quiz on unit 7 of the vocabulary textbook tomorrow (November 4th).  Vocabulary words can be studied using several methods:

  • Creating flashcards with the vocabulary word on one side, and the definition and synonym on the other side
  • Quizzing yourself or having someone else quiz you by using the flashcards
  • Playing the vocabulary games and the additional vocabulary practice provided on: 
    • Your access code is provided on the inside of the book cover
    • Level A: 6th Grade
    • Level B: 7th Grade
    • Level C: 8th Grade
  • Using to review the vocabulary words by playing games
  • Writing sentences that utilize the vocabulary words
Best of luck,
Mrs. Moussa