Friday, February 13, 2015

Homework 2/13/15

All Grades: Don't forget to review for vocabulary quizzes!!

Happy Valentine's Day!!!



And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. 
~1 Corinthians 13:13

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Homework: Tuesday 2/10/15

A BIG Thank You!!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of my students and their parents for their thoughtful and generous gifts for Christmas and Teacher Appreciation Day.  I am very blessed to be part of the Saint Anne School family.

Thank you again,
Mrs. Moussa

Monday, February 2, 2015

Homework: Monday 2/2/15

7th Grade - Final Project for Number The Stars Due 02/12/15

Dear students and parents,

My literature group has a final project for Number The Stars that is due on Thursday, February 12, 2015
Final Project for Number the Stars
Three possible options for final project, please choose one: due Thursday, February 12th
1.      Final Poster: (20 pts.)       
·         On a poster: create a plot map that maps all the major events in the novel.
o   Must include one major event from each chapter (17 events total) (5 pts.)
·         Must list major characters with a brief description of who they are and what role they play in the novel (5 pts.)
o   Major characters are:
§  Annemarie
§  Ellen                     
§  Peter
§  Lise
§  Kirsti
§  The Johansens
§  Annemarie’s parents
·         Poster must include illustrations/pictures of characters and important symbols in the novel (5 pts.)
·         Creativity and Effort (Is the poster neat, creative, and shows effort to depict the main concepts of the novel?) (5 pts.) 
2.      Mobile: (20 pts)
·         Must represent one major event from each chapter (17 events)  (5 pts.)
·         Must represent/depict major characters from the novel (listed above) (5 pts.)
·         Images/symbols chosen should depict important themes/ideas from the novel (5 pts.)
·         Creativity and Effot (5 pts.)
3.      Build a model/diorama of an important scene in the novel: (20 pts.)
·         Must choose a key scene in the novel (5 pts.)
·         Possible options for scenes: the escape, the funeral, meeting the German soldiers, delivering the package to the boat (5pts.)
·         Sene is clearly labeled (5 pts.)
·         Creativity and Effot (how accurate the diaroma is to the scene described in the novel) (5 pts.)


Partner Division of Labor Worksheet
Name: __________________________________________________

Partners must record their meetings/ ideas/meetings/materials purchased or used:
Dates you met/spoke about the project: (must meet at least 2 times)
1.     Date: ____________

What you worked on: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2.     Date: ____________

What you worked on: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Materials Purchased:

I purchased/contributed: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

My Partner purchased/contributed:

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Vocabulary Tests Moved to Tuesday 2/315

Dear Students and Parents,

The vocabulary Tests for 6th, 7th and 8th Grade will be moved to Tuesday, February 3rd.

Enjoy your weekend,
Mrs. Moussa