Friday, May 15, 2015

Homework: Friday 5/15/15

7th Grade Paychecks Sent Home Today 5/15/15

Dear Parents,

Students were given their paychecks for this week today.  Please, make sure to review their paychecks and sign them.  Paychecks serve as a weekly update on students' performance and behavior.

Thank you,

Mrs. Moussa

Update on Achieve 3000 Grade for May 6th - May 20th

Dear Parents,

6th Grade

Students in my 6th grade class were given a printout of their current Achieve 3000 average, if they have 75% or less as a cumulative average.  Students are expected to complete 4 articles on Achieve 3000 and 1 thought question during time provided in class from May 6th - May 20th.  Students were asked to have their Achieve 3000 report signed by a parent.

In addition, students had a one-on-one conference with me during class to discuss their progress on Achieve 3000 and No Red Ink.

7th Grade:

Students in 7th grade had one-on-one conferences with me during class to discuss their progress on Achieve 3000 and No Red Ink.

8th Grade:

Students in 8th grade had one-on-one conferences with me to discuss their progress on Achieve 3000 and No Red Ink.  Also, all students were given a printout of their completed articles and their current Achieve 3000 average.

*Students' average for articles completed during May 6th - May 20th will be entered on Gradelink as a Reading/Literature grade.

Thank you,
Mrs. Moussa

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Homework: Tuesday 5/12/15

7th Grade Bring Flowers for St. Mary This Week

Dear Students and Parents,

This week 7th grade is responsible for placing flowers by St. Mary's shrine in our school corridor.  Please, make sure to bring flowers.  This is a wonderful blessing for our class.

Thank you,
Mrs. Moussa

Monday, May 11, 2015

Young Moviemakers Screening TOMORROW!!!

Dear parents and Moviemakers,

Moviemakers will be screening their movies tomorrow at the Aero Theater (1328 Montana Ave. Santa Monica.)  Sudents must be at the screening at 3:45 pm. 

*If a student is carpooling, their parents must provide Saint Anne's School with written consent allowing their son/daughter to carpool to the theater.  The note must be dated and signed by the parents.

This is a very exciting and unique opportunity to view these students' hard work.  Please, make an effort to attend.  Students are allowed to invite parents, siblings, and up to 2 friends.

Mrs. Moussa

Homework: Monday 5/11/15

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

7th Grade - Flowers for St. Mary Next Week!

Dear Parents and Students,

7th Grade is in charge of bringing flowers for St. Mary next week (May 11th - 15th).  Please, remember to purchase and place flowers around the St. Mary statue in the hallway.  Each student in our class should participate by bringing flowers.

Thank you,
Mrs. Moussa

Achieve 3000 - Goals for May 6th - May 20th

Dear parents and students,

For the next two weeks, students in 6th, 7th and 8th grade will be working on Achieve 3000 articles.  Students are required to complete 4 articles, and one thought question.  The students will receive a reading grade based on their average score on articles completed from Wed. May 6th - Wed. May 20th.

Thank you,
Mrs. Moussa

Homework: Wednesday 5/6/15

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

No Red Ink Directions

Dear Students and Parents,

We will be using No Red Ink for grammar instruction and support.  No Red Ink is a website dedicated to grammar instruction.  It provides short lessons, assignments, practice questions, and quizzes. We will be using several components of the website.


1. Log in to

2. Click on "Rules"

3. Look for the category or subject matter we are working on, subjects are listed alphabetically.  (Contractions are under Apostrophes)

4. Read the grammar rules and take notes on them in your notebook

5. Click on "Practice it!" On the top of the rules page.  This will provide you with practice questions on all aspects of the subject.


1. Log into

2. On your home page the assignment should be listed

3. After completing the lesson, complete the assignment (20 questions)


1. Log into

2. Click on "Practice"

3. Choose the subject-matter we are working on

4. Your goal is to complete ALL the practice categories at 100% Mastery!!


*Students will be quizzed on the subject-matters on that we work on in class and assigned for homework.  Quizzes will be administered in class. 

**For a schedule of assigned lessons, please see earlier posts.  Also, each class' assignments' topics are already posted on  Students can access the website from home to complete lessons and assignments.

Thank you,
Mrs. Moussa

Monday, May 4, 2015

Poetry Anthology for 7th and 8th Grade

Dear students and parents,

The seventh and eighth grade students are working on completing a collection of poems with different forms of poetry.  Currently, we have completed the following:
  1. Self-Portrait Poem (using metaphors and similes)
  2. Three Haikus
  3. Two Memory Poems using musical tools (rhyme, repetition, onomatopoeia, alliteration)
The students have a poetry packet and class notes to guide them in writing these poems.  The rubric on how the poems will be graded is included within the students' poetry packet.  This poetry collection or anthology will be worth 100 pts.  

During this week, we will work on composing a sonnet and a limerick to include in our poetry collection.  The final project should include all poems typed, stapled to each other to form a book, with the rubric attached to the back.  The cover page should include a title, name, and an illustration relating to the poetry.

Due Date for Poetry Anthology is: Monday, May 18th.

Reminder about Late Assignments for 3rd Trimester

Dear parents and students,

This is a reminder about the homework policy for the 3rd trimester that posted earlier.  Students will have 2 weeks to make-up any missed assignments.  After the 2 week period, the assignment will remain a "0" in

Thank you,
Mrs. Moussa

Homework: Monday 5/4/15

Today's Homework:

6th Grade: Ancient Egyptian collage based on information in the selection "Egypt" in the literature textbook.  (Include information up to pg. 312)
**This collage is due on Friday.

7th Grade: Read "Rattlesnake Hunt" and answer questions at the end of the selection, pg. 522

8th Grade: Read chapter 4 of Dracula.  Complete your guided reading groups job.  Please, be prepared for a quiz on chapter 4 for Thursday.