Summer is finally here! I hope you enjoy your time during this summer vacation with family and friends. The following summer assignments are due on the first day back from summer vacation. This assignment will be the first reading grade for trimester 1.
Summer Assignment:
Students choose one novel from the Santa Monica Public Library website that are grade appropriate. The novel should be 100 pages or more.
1. Click on the the following Recommended Summer Reading
2. Click on your grade level and you will be directed to your recommended reading list.
3. This project has 2 parts: Create a Movie Poster of your novel AND Create a bookmark for your novel.
Directions for Movie Poster:

Pretend your novel is being turned into a movie! Create a promotional movie poster on poster board. Your poster should include photos/names of actors that will be portraying all of the main characters in the novel. This is a creative assignment, so take the time to think of interesting ways to grab viewers attention and portray your novel.
Your poster must include:
- A hook line to introduce the movie/novel (Ex. "Gear up . . . ) for the movie Cars
- Characters and the actors that will be portraying them
- Pictures of the actors in character (choose actors that have similar physical traits to the characters)
- Setting - should be illustrated on the poster
- Creative graphics that are true to the feel/events of the novel
Your Bookmark must include:
- Bookmark must be typed in column format
- Bookmark will include:
- Summary of the book: describe the MOST important events in the novel
- List of main characters: who they are and how do they relate to one another
- Illustrations: Draw or use clip art illustrations that relate to the novel
- Review of the novel must discuss the following:
- Creativity - Did you feel that this novel was written using a lot of creativity?
- Plot - Is the plot too predictable? Did the plot have too many twists? Did you like the twists?
- Characterization - Can you relate to the characters? Do you like them?
- Setting - Was the setting described in detail? Can you picture it? Would you want to be there?
- Use of Figurative Language - Did the author use figurative language to help the readers experience the novel?
Mrs. Moussa