Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Homework: Wednesday 9/30/15

Thank you to my students and parents!

I wanted to take a moment to thank my students and room parents for making my birthday so special this year!  I am very blessed to be part of the Saint Anne's family.
Thank you again,
Mrs. Moussa

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Homework: Tuesday 9/29/15

Dear parents and students,

Please, remember to review and sign the Progress Reports.  These reports are intended to give parents an update on students' academic progress.

Middle school students, please remember to complete and turn in your reading logs tomorrow.

Thank you,
Mrs. Moussa

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Homework and Announcements - 9/24/15


6th Grade:

-Vocabulary: pgs. 57-59
-Review vocabulary words from unit 4 (vocabulary textbook)
-Vocabulary Quiz will be on Tuesday (9/29/15)

7th Grade:

-Selection Test
-Grammar worksheet
-Sign Paycheck
-Vocabulary and Spelling Quizzes will be on Monday (9/28/15)
*Parents please review students' family folders

8th Grade:

-Review unit 4 vocabulary words
-Vocabulary Quiz will be on Monday (9/28/15)

Friday, September 18, 2015

6th, 7th and 8th Grade Vocabulary Test (Units 1-3) on Monday

Dear students and parents,

Sixth, seventh and eighth graders have vocabulary tests, on Monday, on units 1-3.  For additional practice on the vocabulary words, please refer to

Thank you and have a good weekend,

Mrs. Moussa

6th Grade Harlem Renaissance Research Project-9/18/15

Dear parents and students,

Our sixth grade language arts class has recently read "Mother Fletcher's Gift" a short story set in Harlem.  The students have learned about the many artists and influential figures that stemmed from the Harlem Renaissance.  In an effort to explore more about these artists; the students will conduct a short research on an African American artist, of their choice, from the Harlem Renaissance.  Here is the information the students should research on their artist:






What was this artist famous for?

How was this artist discovered?

Why did you chose this specific artist?

What is your favorite work by this artist?  Why?

**Students should print out a picture of the artist and attach it to their research.  This research should be placed in students' notebooks (Literature section)

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Homework: Monday 9/8/15

Dear parents and students,
Please make sure you have turned in your music forms.

Thank you,
Mrs. Moussa