Sunday, December 20, 2015

For my 6th Graders - The Universe Unit

Dear 6th graders,

I came across this article, and I thought I would share it with you since it directly relates to the discussions we have been having while reading about the universe.

Closest Planet Yet That Could Support Life is Found

Enjoy your Christmas break!

Mrs. Moussa

Friday, December 18, 2015

A BIG thank you to our 7th Grade parents!

Dear parents,

I would like to thank all of the parents that contributed and volunteered for our 7th grade Christmas party.  The party was a lot of fun, and the students seemed to have really enjoyed themselves.

Thanks again

Merry Christmas and have a wonderful new year.

Mrs. Moussa

Merry Christmas from 7th Grade

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Las Posadas Celebration - 12/18/15 @ 6:30 pm

Dear students and parents,

Tomorrow evening we will be celebrating Las Posadas and performing our Christmas Program.  The 7th and 8th grade students will be performing "Joy to the World."  Students should arrive around 6 - 6:15 pm and meet in the classroom.  The program will begin at 6:30 pm.  Mr. Browning has announced that students' attendance of Las Posadas will be factored into their Religion class grade.

I wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a happy holiday season!

Mrs. Mary Moussa

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Class notes for in-class essay- 7th Grade

7th Grade:
-Unit 3 Final- 40 min. In-class essay
-Students can use notes and prepared outlines

1. Reread selections carefully
2. Review notes
3. Complete an outline for essay
4. Practice writing the essay, at least once, within the allowed time limit
5. Ask a study partner to review your essay and discuss possible edits/revisions

Homework: Tuesday 12/8/15

Friday, December 4, 2015

First Trimester Award Recepiants

Congratulations to our 7th grade trimester award recipients.  All of these students exemplify academic excellence and a drive to succeed.

The awards include:
*Honor Roll
*Prinipal's Award
*Perfect Attendance
*TTM Champions
*Achieve Champions

I am very proud of your achievements. Great work!!
Mrs. Moussa

Homework: Friday 12/4/15

6th Grade:
-No Red Ink Quiz on Monday on sentence fragments
-Finish assignment

7th Grade:
-Bring items for VA Christmas Drive  (puzzles, activities)
-Complete worksheet
-Vocabulary & Spelling quizzes on unit 8

8th Grade:
-Complete steps 1-4 of unit 3 final project in a power point presentation AND bring your printed presentation to class for review