Grading Policy
Assessments (tests, quizzes, and knowledge checks) play an important role in education. They allow the students to apply the knowledge they have learned. In addition, they allow the teacher to gauge student understanding and pin point areas where students need more support. In my classes, we will be following the standard grading scale used by all Saint Anne School teachers, but here is how grades will be distributed:
Chapter Tests 40%
Achieve 3000 (Blended Learning) 20%
Class work and Participation 15%
Includes: group work, papers, projects
Homework 15%
Includes: monthly reading log
Quizzes and DOL/Bellwork 10%
*Please note, the assignments done by the students on the first full week of school will not be included in Gradelink. These assignments were used to familiarize the students with the classroom routines and procedures.
**The first graded assignments will be the vocabulary quizzes this Friday for 7th and 8th graders, and the short story assignment that has been assigned for the 8th graders.
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