Congratulations on completing the 1st trimester! We are now in the 2nd trimester grading period, and I would like to share with you some tips to help students succeed in this term:
- Complete homework assignments to the best of your ability - homework assignments are practice for tests/quizzes
- Review vocabulary words for each subject matter
- use flashcards to quiz yourself
- have a family member quiz you
- use to create a quiz
- Ask questions during class time
- Engage in class discussions - discussions help students make connections to texts
- Text to world
- Text to self
- Text to text
- Make an appointment with your teacher and get additional support if needed
- Limit absences (if possible)
- If absent, ask your teachers for any missed work - it is very important to make up missed assignments, quizzes, and tests
- Manage your time wisely when studying for tests, quizzes, and homework assignments. Long-term assignments should be broken up and done a little bit every night.
- Keep track of how many missing assignments you have acquired in a trimester - 3 missing assignments lead to a detention
- Check once a week to make sure all of your grades have been entered, and you have no missing assignments. If you do not have your Gradelink password, please contact Ms. Francis and she will provide you with your username and password
Homework Tips:
1. Find a quiet and organized space to complete your assignments - it will help you focus
2. Turn off electronic devices that could distract you - avoid checking social media while studying
3. Make sure you review the homework boards in the classrooms and copy the homework into your planner
4. Start with the most challenging homework assignment, if you wait until the end of the night you will be too exhausted to focus on the assignment
5. Use homework as a review - while completing assignments review your notes from class and the textbook
6. Information is retained longer when you READ IT, WRITE IT, ILLUSTRATE IT. SAY IT ALOUD. The more you interact with information the more likely that it will be retained in your long-term memory.
7. Don't cram the night before a test, the information will not be retained for a long period of time
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