Monday, September 29, 2014

7th Grade Literature Project for Unit 2: Due 10/20/14

Hello students and parents,

The following project has been assigned to the 7th Grade class.  This project will be due on Monday, October 20th:

Seventh Grade – Unit 2 Final Project
Unit 2 final project has two components:

1.     Research the life and work of one of the authors of the selections in Unit 2:
*All of the items below must be posted on a presentation board

a.   Write a newspaper article about the life and literary work of the author.
                                                             i.      Don’t forget to include:
1.     Where was he/she born?
2.     Where was he/she educated?
3.     Did he/she work?  Was he/she successful?
4.     What were his/her most powerful literary works?
b.   Include one poem/short story of the author of your choice, and illustrate important imagery used in the poem/story
c.    Write a letter to the author:
                                                             i.       Telling him/her which of their poems/short stories is your favorite, and why
                                                           ii.      Your favorite quotes/part of the story/poem
                                                        iii.      How you identify to the poem/short story
d.   Pictures of the author, or book covers
2.     Oral Presentation:
a.   Organize an oral presentation of all of the above information
b.   Choose your favorite poem/short story by your chosen author and analyze it:
                                                             i.      Explain the theme/main idea of the poem/story
                                                           ii.      Explain symbolism or figurative language used in the poem
                                                        iii.      Share key quotes from the selection
                                                        iv.      Describe why you chose this poem, and how did you identify with it
**Don’t forget to turn-in a bibliography of all the sources you used for your research. **

Students are strongly encouraged to bring their research materials to class, in order to work on their project during Writing & Grammar time.

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