Monday, September 29, 2014

7th Grade Literature Project for Unit 2: Due 10/20/14

Hello students and parents,

The following project has been assigned to the 7th Grade class.  This project will be due on Monday, October 20th:

Seventh Grade – Unit 2 Final Project
Unit 2 final project has two components:

1.     Research the life and work of one of the authors of the selections in Unit 2:
*All of the items below must be posted on a presentation board

a.   Write a newspaper article about the life and literary work of the author.
                                                             i.      Don’t forget to include:
1.     Where was he/she born?
2.     Where was he/she educated?
3.     Did he/she work?  Was he/she successful?
4.     What were his/her most powerful literary works?
b.   Include one poem/short story of the author of your choice, and illustrate important imagery used in the poem/story
c.    Write a letter to the author:
                                                             i.       Telling him/her which of their poems/short stories is your favorite, and why
                                                           ii.      Your favorite quotes/part of the story/poem
                                                        iii.      How you identify to the poem/short story
d.   Pictures of the author, or book covers
2.     Oral Presentation:
a.   Organize an oral presentation of all of the above information
b.   Choose your favorite poem/short story by your chosen author and analyze it:
                                                             i.      Explain the theme/main idea of the poem/story
                                                           ii.      Explain symbolism or figurative language used in the poem
                                                        iii.      Share key quotes from the selection
                                                        iv.      Describe why you chose this poem, and how did you identify with it
**Don’t forget to turn-in a bibliography of all the sources you used for your research. **

Students are strongly encouraged to bring their research materials to class, in order to work on their project during Writing & Grammar time.

Revision Checklist for Writing

Homework: Monday 09/29/14

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Tests for the Week of 09/22/2014

Here are the tests for the week of 09/22/2014:

6th Grade: Friday 09/26/2014
  • Reading Test on Mother Fletcher's Gift (in the reading textbook)
  • Vocabulary Test on Units 1-3 of the vocabulary textbook
7th Grade: Friday 09/26/2014
  • Vocabulary Test on Units 1-3 of the vocabulary textbook
8th Grade: Friday 09/26/2014
  • Vocabulary Test on Units 1-3 of the vocabulary textbook
**Students can use to review their vocabulary words.**

Please, remember tests are 20% of the students' grades.  Parents should try to review vocabulary words with students for at least 15 mins. daily; in order, for students to retain the new vocabulary words.


Mrs. Moussa

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tests and Quizzes for the week of 09/08/2014

Hello students and parents,

Here is a list of tests and quizzes for this week, 09/08/2014:

6th Grade:

Friday, 09/12/2014

-Reading test on the"Old Yeller" selection in the Reading textbook.
-Vocabulary Quiz on Unit 2

7th Grade:

Friday, 09/12/2014

-Vocabulary Quiz on Unit 2
-Reading Test on Unit 1 in the Literature textbook

8th Grade:

Friday, 09/12/2014

-Vocabulary Quiz on Unit 2
-Reading Test on Unit 1 in the Literature textbook

To Review: 

All Grades - VOCABULARY:
-Vocabulary can be reviewed on
  • The textbooks are 2012-2013 edition
  • Level (6=A, 7=B, 8=C)
  • Student (user)
-Use note cards you created to test your knowledge of the vocabulary words' definitions and synonyms

7th and 8th Grade: Reading Test
-Review the selection test for each selection
-Outline your response for the essay question on test
-Re-read selections to remember details of the stories/poems

6th Grade: Reading Test 
-Define vocabulary words in the "Old Yeller" selection (Reading Text book)
-Re-read "Old Yeller" to review details and events in the story
-Review class notes

The students have been informed of these tests and quizzes on Monday, September 8th, 2014.  We will be reviewing for these tests and quizzes in class.

Mrs. Moussa

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Current Writing Assignments in Middle School

Hello parents and students,

Here are the current writing assignments we have completed or are in the progress of working on:

6th Grade:

Sixth grade has completed a personal narrative detailing an exciting event that occurred over the summer.  The students walked through the writing process by:
  • Brainstorming ideas of possible events to write about
  • Creating a web with their ideas
  • Developing an outline and organizing ideas into an outline format
  • Drafting a rough draft of their personal narrative
  • Peer editing/revising of their rough draft with classmates during class
  • Typing their final draft 
7th and 8th Grade:
Seventh and Eighth grade is currently in the final stages of creating a short story that is geared towards an audience between the ages of 8-10 year old.  This is a fun assignment to get the students excited about writing, and a way to review the necessary elements needed for a short story (beginning, rising action, climax//conflict, falling action, and ending.)

7th Grade:
The students' completed rough drafts were due last week, and the final draft is due on Tuesday, September 9th, 2014.

8th Grade:
The final drafts have been turned in.

The writing process the students walked through for this project included:
  • Brainstorming ideas about what an average 8-10 yrs. old child would like to read about
  • Creating a web of ideas
  • Choosing appropriate topic and creating a Plot Map 
  • Finalizing a Plot Map and making sure the short story has a climax/conflict
  • Drafting the rough draft of the short story
  • Peer editing/revising of the rough draft in class
  • Typed final draft of the short story

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Dear students and parents,

Welcome back to school!!
I am excited about the 2014-2015 school year to achieve excellence and model Christ.  Here is the information that I presented on Back to School Night:
Welcome to Language Arts
Language Arts Objective
  • Create a life-long love of reading
  • Build students’ vocabulary and develop their writing skills
  • Introduce students to different genres of literature and forms of writing
  • Cross-curricular approach to Language Arts – introduce students to the Arts
  • Create analytical readers 
What is Taught in Language Arts?
  • Reading/Literature
  • Writing and Grammar
  • Vocabulary
  • Spelling (7th Grade)

How are Classes Structured?

  • Daily Oral Language Practice
  • Reading/literature
  • Analyzes of literature (group activities, discussion, Q&A)
  • Writing & Grammar (discussion of writing conventions, writing assignments and projects)
  • Vocabulary (20 words each week)
  • Spelling (the same 20 words used for vocabulary)
Distribution of Grades
  • Tests                                                  20 %
  • Quizzes                                             10%
  • Achieve 3000 (Blended Learning)   20 %
  • Class work and Participation           20 %
  • Papers and Projects                          30%
  • Extra Credit                                      1%
Please note: there is a vocabulary quiz  almost every  Friday
  • Tests                          40%
  • Achieve 3000            20%
  • Classwork                 20%
  • Papers and Projects   20%
  • Extra Credit               1%
Achieving Excellence Modeling Christ
  • I am always available to help students during lunch or after school (with an appointment)
  • Homework, quizzes and tests play an important role in the educational development of students
  • Parents play an important role in creating life-long learners:
    • Checking homework
    • Encouraging reading
    • Challenging students
Contact information
 Please, allow 24 hrs. for e-mail correspondence
For information about the class/assignments
Let’s have a great year!
Achieving Excellence. Modeling Christ