Thursday, April 28, 2016

Homework& Important Reminders: Thursday 4/28/16

Dear parents and students,

Here are a couple of important reminders:

* Yearbook orders are due by May 6th at 3pm.

*Please bring flowers for May Crowning on May 13th 

*Paychecks were sent home today, please review them

*Progress reports were sent home today, these reports serve as an update on your student's academic progress.

*Achieve reports and worksheets were sent home today.  These are the articles students completed over the month of April.

**Parents, please sign paychecks, progress reports, and Achieve 3000 reports.

Thank you,
Mrs. Moussa

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

May Crowning Flowers Due May 13th

Dear students and parents,

Please bring flowers on Friday, May 13th and the following week for May Crowning.  The flowers will be placed in the hallway surrounding St. Mary's statue all through out the month of May.

Thank you,
Mrs. Moussa

Homework: Wednesday 4/27/16

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Reminders & Homework: Wednesday 4/20/16

Dear students and parents here are a couple of important reminders:
  • Please remember to place your yearbook orders ASAP!  The deadline for orders is 5/6/16 at 3 pm
  • Many students have assignments/tests/quizzes to make up, please make up any missed assignments in a timely fashion.  Students are allowed 1 day for every day of school they miss.  After that it is up to the teacher's discretion to allow make ups.
  • Per Mr. Browning: any students with 3 or more deductions on their paychecks will lose their bonuses.
Thank you,
Mrs. Moussa

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Homework: Paychecks & Progress Reports

Dear parents,

Today paychecks and a progress report were sent home. The progress reports only show where the students are currently in the trimester. Please check to view your student's scores on assignments and to identify any missed work/assignments.

P.S. the Literature Test for 7th grade has been rescheduled for Monday.

Thank you,
Mrs. Moussa

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Homework: Wednesday 4/13/16 Tests & Notebooks!

Dear students and parents,

There are several tests coming up, please take the time to review/study for them.

Also, I will be checking all the grades' notebooks.  Please make sure your notebook is organized, neat, and has an easy to follow table of contents, and identifiable sections according to my directions.  Notebooks will be considered a project grade!

Thank you,
Mrs. Moussa

7th Grade Review Notes for Unit 6 Literature Test

Monday, April 11, 2016

Art Show & Science Fair: Tuesday April 12th

Dear parents and students,

Please join us tomorrow for the Science Fair and the Art Show!! We are so excited to be sharing some of our students' fantastic work. 

Here are samples of the beautiful artwork our 7th grade Students have worked on.

Mrs. Moussa

Homework: Monday 4/11/16

Friday, April 8, 2016

Homework: Friday 4/8/16

Dear students and parents,
I was absent yesterday; therefore the blog was not updated.

Mrs. Moussa

Monday, April 4, 2016

Homework: Monday 4/4/16

Please check for any missed assignments and make up the work by this Friday.

Thank you,
Mrs. Moussa