Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Progress Reports and Parent Information

Dear Parents,

Along with the progress reports containing students grades thus far in the trimester.  Ms. Abel is sending home a letter detailing student growth and Lexile level, per Achieve 3000.  I am sending home a report containing a year to date summary of student performance on Achieve 3000, and on the back, there is a summary of student performance on articles during April 10 - April 29.  

If you have any questions, please contact me at:

Thank you,
Mrs. Moussa


No Red Ink - Assignments & Quizzes

Dear Students and Parents,

I am assigning assignments on the website  These assignments are meant to assist in enforcing grammar and punctuation rules that we have learned through out the school year.  Each grade (class) has been given a class code to access their assignments and quizzes online.  I strongly recommend taking the time to complete the assignments and quizzes.  Students have already created their usernames and passwords in class.  The following assignments are available online for students to complete, students can also access the website from home.

6th Grade: Class Code: cexff479

1st Assignment: Subject-Verb Agreement is due on Friday, May 1st

  • Quiz on  Subject-Verb Agreement: Monday, May 4th

2nd Assignment: Contractions is due on Friday, May 8th

  • Quiz on Contractions: Monday, May, 11th
3rd Assignment: Acronyms is due on Friday, May 15th

  • Quiz on Acronyms: Monday, May 18th
7th Grade: Class Code: w37c7ww4

1st Assignment: Adverbs is due on Friday, May 1st
  • Quiz on Adverbs: Monday, May 4th
2nd Assignment: Contractions is due on Friday, May 8th
  • Quiz on Contractions: Monday, May 11th
3rd Assignment: Contractions and Pronouns is due on Friday, May 15th
  • Quiz on Contractions and Pronouns: Monday, May 18th
4th Assignment: Plural Possessives of Common Nouns: due Friday, May 22
  • Quiz on Plural Possessives of Common Nouns: Monday, May 25th
8th Grade: Class Code: fkc83f7m

1st Assignment: Contractions is due on Friday, May 1st
  • Quiz on Contractions: Monday, May 4th
2nd Assignment:Plural Possessives of Common Nouns is due on Friday, May 8th
  • Quiz on Plural Possessives of Common Nouns: Monday, May 11th
3rd Assignment: Shared Possession is due on Friday, May 15th
  • Quiz on Shared Possession: Monday, May 18th

Homework: Wednesday 4/29/15

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Homework: Thursday 4/16/15

7th Grade Picture Submissions for Yearbook

Dear 7th Grade Parents,

If you have any pictures that you would like to submit for the yearbook; please, e-mail them to me at: .  You can also place the pictures on a USB stick and give it to me to transfer.  Please, choose your favorite photos (5 photos maximum) with the best photo quality.  All photo submissions are needed by 4/27/15.

Thank you,

Mrs. Moussa